Monday, August 17, 2009

Drag me to hell!!!

Sam Raimi's return to horror with this film about a Young woman who, after denying a Gypsy lady an extension on her loan (and shaming her in a room full of people) and is cursed and in 3 days she'll be taken to hell by the Lamia spirit.

First of all: filmically, this movie is a very solid horror flick, with well placed scares and some unexpected ones thrown in too. Sam Raimi is a man who knows where to put the camera (no sexual connotations there :P) when the spirits attack Christie he very nicely slides into a Dutch tilt which works very well. Sam pulls some good performances out of the actors and the visual effects are well placed and used to further the story.

With some nice Evil dead-like gruesome moments (vomiting, blood noses spraying everywhere) Sam has taken us back to the good old days of horror movies where it wasn't about how much sex and limb removals you could get in 5 seconds*coughHOSTELcough*

It might be interesting to note that Sam Raimi chose a very odd film stock, which reminisced of the 80's to 90's (he also uses the 80's Universal logo to open the movie) it gave the movie just the right type of retro feel to finally take it away from the crap horror of today *coughREMAKEScough* the ending however works and doesn't at the same time its left me with mixed feelings i dint know whether to feel sorry for Christie or the old Gypsy so the last 3 minutes didn't work for me but a good effort on behalf of all the filmmakers and its alot better than the crap horror fare of today.

*edit* there is a scene I forgot about and with review I do belive i have made a mistake, the ending fits the movie (there is a scene near the end where the protagonist buys a jacket, proving that she is still selfish)

Nice, solid, horror flick - 7/10

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