Friday, November 16, 2012

Corporate Work

So yet another delay, TRAINSPOTTING is, after all a 2 hour movie and I have rehearsals at 8am tomorrow, I will try to have it up tomorrow night and possibly another film if I can keep my eyes open long enough to watch two. In which case it will be the 2002 film SPUN.

So here's another little nugget with regards to Corporate video work, that is: non-narrative videography. I include weddings, fitness videos, training videos... basically anything that fits in that category, I call Corporate video.

I myself have had a few Corporate gigs and from my experience, the best advice I can give is this:


Yes, that's right, forsake all your "artistic integrity" and, whatever they want, you give it to them. You think it would be more pleasing to the eye to dolly in but they want it handheld? Do it hand held.

Yes 9 times out of 10 your ideas are better but that's not the point of Corporate videos... you have your own work for that kind of experimentation and creative license

At the end of the day, they are the ones paying you. There are hundreds of people out there who want that money and will do what they are asked to do so it's just better to use that handheld shot, that star wipe or that cheesy Muzak, if they are happy, they keep paying you and you can take that money and make your films with it. Simple.

... that seemed like an angry post (not my intention at all) but I guess I've had too many conversations with other people where this seems to be the farthest thing from common sense.... in fact that's a wonderful oxymoron isn't it?.... Common Sense...

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